Supporting and Enhancing the Local Community
Cbus Super Stadium is committed to managing the Stadium in a sustainable and environmentally responsible way to reduce carbon emissions and to play an active role in supporting and enhancing the local community.
Sustainability Initiatives
Organic Waste Stream
The Stadium manages its organic waste stream by diverting from landfill all organic materials generated on site. This includes all kitchen waste, green waste from the field of play and all other waste generated through our landscaping activities.

Co-Mingled Recycling
The Stadium makes a conscious effort to divert waste away from landfill. There are co-mingled bins across the venue and guests are encouraged to place unsoiled food packaging and plastic cups into these bins.

Container Refund Scheme
The Stadium encourages staff and patrons to place bottles and cans in the relevant recycling bins. The items are then collected by Containers for Change and recycled and repurposed.

LED Lighting
The Stadium has installed LED sports lights to manage power consumption more efficiently. In addition, the venue is progressively replacing all internal lighting with LEDs.
The Green Crew
Stadiums Queensland has initiated a Green Crew made up of representatives from each venue. The Green Crew meets monthly to identify opportunities and initiatives to lessen the organisation's impact on the environment.
Education and Training
The venue encourages all staff to represent our commitment to sustainability.